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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Yaay Answers!!!!! And a good book!!!

Hello All!!

So, I have to say today was so relaxing! I woke up after not falling asleep until after 2am checked my e-mails, deleted the junk I had and sat back with a new book! No joke I read the entire book cover to cover today, I just got it at the library yesterday and it was so good! It was a true story about a series of murders in Boston and I couldn't put it down. Sorry to Cassandra, I just got your e-mail about what I was doing today because I haven't gotten into my e-mail since before you wrote it :( But tomorrow is your BIRTHDAY!!!!

I have been trying to just listen to my body the past couple weeks, ya know, sleep when i'm tired enough to sleep, and just listen to what it is needing. I had found out a long while ago that my grandma has a vitamin B deficiency which she gets monthly injections for and is really nothing to worry about. Well for some random reason I had a strange feeling about it so I looked up on Kaisers website what exactly it was and did a little bit of research. Come to find out the kind my grandma has can cause fatigue, insomnia, migraine headaches, and incidently can be hereditary. After putting a few of the pieces together since I have been having migraines for about a year now, have been taking medicine for insomnia for about a year or so, and never can seem to get enough sleep I decided to consult my Dr. about getting a blood test for the deficiency. In less than 24 hours after having blood drawn, my Dr's office was calling me, and sure enough, my Vitamin B12 count was low, and low enough for my Dr. to prescribe monthly injections. So the next day I had my first B12 shot because I didn't want to wait to get this started if it was going to possibly correct some issues I've been dealing with. I'm not sure how long before I should be noticing changes, but I think I finally have a legitimate answer to some of the things that cause me to be so stinking tired all the time and hopefully what is causing my migraines!!

Due to schedule changes at work I have had a refreshing few days off in a row! I start back on friday and unfortunately for the next 3 months will be working ten hour shifts on Fri. Sat. Sun. and Mon. The days are pretty sucky, but at least it's only for three months, which actually goes by quite quickly with the fast paced work we do.

Anywho, I'm off to bed so complete my oh so relaxing day! I hope yours was great as well!